
(New) Local Black Sesame Seeds and Buri Palm Jelly

Sesame seeds remain black when their hull or cover is not removed, retaining 60% of calcium and a lot of flavor. These ones, grown locally in Ilocos, are smaller than your regular variety. They contain omega-6 fatty acids, anti-oxidants (helping to combat cell damage and aging). They are a rich source of minerals such as iron, magnanese, zinc, magnesium, selenium, and copper. They are good for anemia, and people who don't eat much meat. These seeds may be planted, if you wish.

Use in place of regular sesame seeds (those had either been hulled or are the light brown variety). Sprinkle over vegetables, grind in blender to make sesame paste, use in cookies or sweets. Great addition to salad dressings instead of poppy seeds. It will turn your hummus gray-- but make it more tasty.

We have recently become acquainted with landang, or the buri palm version of sago. It is used in Visayan cuisine as the sago component in guinataan (theirs being called binignit). It adds a great texture to the meal, and turns coconut milk a bit pinkish. We find this special because a buri tree-- the largest palm in the country, and the tree which supplies material for many woven hats and boxes-- only fruits once, and then dies. Landang comes from the inside, starchy portion of the tree, which is stripped, pounded into a powder, and mixed with water, then cooked. The result is a bunch of clumps, which will soften again when you boil them. Check out a binignit recipe here.


  1. Awesome! can I get some this Sunday? I'm afraid I can't drop by your store from T-Sat.

  2. Sure! Send us an email at info (at) ritualshop (dot) com and we'll send the price list over.

  3. Was at the shop this weekend to refill my salt and I got some of the black sesame...can't wait to use it! Here is a recipe that I had been looking at and that I have the black sesame I will try: http://www.101cookbooks.com/archives/black-sesame-otsu-recipe.html

    Yay! :)
